Equipe e colaboradores
15+ colaboradores por todo mundo (e crescendo...)
Equipe do MEB Lab e colaboradores.

PI of MEB's Lab
MEB's Lab current members
- Post docs

Post Doc
- PhD Candidates

PhD candidate at MEB Lab

PhD candidate at MEB Lab

PhD candidate at MEB Lab
- Undergraduate researchers

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab
- Visiting researchers

Visiting Researcher from Ukraine
MEB's Lab past students

Master's student at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Undergraduate research at MEB Lab

Professor at University of Florida/USA

Professor at ESALQ-USP/BR

Professor at CENA-USP/BR

Professor at Federal University of Viçosa/BR

Researcher at UCSD, California/USA

Researcher at FIOCRUZ-MINAS/BR

Researcher at Rothamsted Research/UK

Researcher at The Arctic University of Norway/NO

Researcher at UFZ/DE

Researcher at FIOCRUZ/RJ/BR

Researcher at UNESP/BR

Researcher at ESALQ-USP/BR

Researcher at Technological Institute of VALE/BR

Lead Advisor at Natural England/UK

Professor at UFOP/BR