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1ª Propaganda Profissional em Microbiologia Agrícola

ter., 02 de out.


Department of Biology

Event organized by the Nucleus of Studies in Environmental and Industrial Microbiology (NEMAI). The event aims to reach participants from the undergraduate and postgraduate courses from Brazil. MEB Lab. lecture: Working together: A Holy Grail for microbiome studies. Victor Pylro

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1ª Propaganda Profissional em Microbiologia Agrícola
1ª Propaganda Profissional em Microbiologia Agrícola

Horário e local

02 de out. de 2018, 18:00 – 03 de out. de 2018, 21:00

Department of Biology, Av. Central, s/n - Campus Universitário, Lavras - MG, 37200-000, Brazil

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